AG1 Review - Is AG1 Worth It?

AG1 Review And Testing

April 24, 2024

In our AG1 review (also known as Athletic Greens), we're taking a close look at a popular nutritional supplement that promises to make meeting your daily vitamin and mineral needs straightforward. Whilst AG1 claims to be designed to fill the nutritional gaps in a modern diet with a single scoop, there are some big questions about its long ingredient list and use of a proprietary blend. We'll test the product for ourselves and shed some light on these potentially significant drawbacks, as well as consider alternative greens powders that may better suit your needs.


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Overall Rating

AG1 reviews

Overall Verdict

  • Transparency Issues: AG1 uses proprietary blends that obscure the exact amounts of each ingredient, preventing users from verifying whether the product contains effective dosages.
  • Ingredient List Overload: The extensive list of 75 ingredients in AG1 suggests more of a marketing focus than functional benefits, with many ingredients potentially present at trace levels - and certainly in sub-therapeutic amounts.

  • Questionable Dosages: Without transparency, it's difficult to determine if AG1’s ingredients are provided at clinically effective levels. It's highly likely many listed ingredients are underdosed despite the impressive-sounding list.

  • Taste Issues: Many users report that AG1's taste is overly sweetened by stevia, which can be off-putting, likely an attempt to mask the flavors of its numerous ingredients.

  • Cost vs. Benefit: The very high cost of AG1 coupled with the lack of dosage transparency leads to questions about the supplement's value for money relative to its actual health benefits.

  • Recommended Alternative: The top rated greens powder in our tests, Supergreen Tonik, is in our view a better alternative, due to its transparent labeling, comprehensive formulation and clinically supported ingredient dosages. We experienced improvements to digestion, cognitive performance and sleep.

Supergreen Tonik

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Overall Rating

Athletic Greens Review

Quick Decision Guide: AG1 vs Our Top-Rated Greens (Supergreen Tonik)



Supergreen Tonik

Overall Rating

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General health enhancement with a focus on nutrition and wellness

Comprehensive health and cognitive enhancement with a transparent, nutrient-rich formula

Scientific Backing

Moderate, with a broad range of well-studied vitamins and minerals

Strong, ingredients chosen for specific health and cognitive benefits, supported by research

Formula Complexity

Comprehensive, with a wide range of nutrients covering vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and adaptogens

Very comprehensive, targeting both general health and cognitive function

Brand Reputation Concerns

Minimal, well-regarded in the wellness community

Minimal to none, praised for transparency and efficacy

Commitment Time For Results

Weeks to months, depending on individual health goals

Weeks to months, consistent use recommended for best results

User Feedback

Mostly positive with some criticism of taste and cost

Predominantly positive, especially regarding cognitive benefits

Ingredients Transparency

Largely hidden within proprietary blends

Fully disclosed, with clear information on dosages

Dosage Convenience

Once daily scoop 

Once daily scoop

Potential Side Effects

Low risk, with some notes on taste preference due to Stevia

Low risk, well-tolerated formula

Customer Support & Returns Policy

Good, with return options available

Excellent, with a clear money-back guarantee

Product Availability

Widely available through the official site and select retailers

Available through the official site only

Additional Benefits

General wellness, energy boost, immune support

Enhanced cognitive function, mental clarity, and focus alongside general health benefits


Super Premium


Serving Size



Servings Per Container




What Are Greens Powders?

Greens powders have become a highly sought-after supplement within the nutrition and wellness sector, designed to enhance the daily intake of essential nutrients. These powders are a blend of concentrated vegetables, fruits, algae, and herbs, offering a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The primary objective behind their consumption is to bolster overall health, potentially improving energy levels, supporting detoxification processes, and contributing to a more nutrient-dense diet, particularly for individuals who struggle to consume an adequate amount of fresh produce daily (1).

What to Look For In Greens Powders

With a vast array of options available on the market, identifying a high-quality greens powder requires careful consideration. First and foremost, product transparency is critical. Consumers should opt for supplements that clearly list each ingredient and its amount, steering clear of those that use 'proprietary blends.' This transparency ensures users can verify the presence of scientifically-backed dosages of nutrients, which is vital for reaping the intended health benefits (2).

Clinically proven dosages are another cornerstone of a reputable greens powder. This entails that the nutrients included have been tested in research settings and demonstrated to offer health benefits at specific dosages. Such evidence-based formulations are more likely to deliver on their promises of improved health outcomes (3).

Taste and palatability cannot be overlooked, considering these supplements are meant for daily consumption. A greens powder that is difficult to consume due to its taste may discourage regular use, thereby diminishing its potential health benefits. Finding a product that balances nutrient density with a pleasant taste ensures a sustainable addition to one’s daily routine (4).

Greens As Part Of An Overall Nutritional Strategy

Integrating greens powders into your nutritional strategy should aim to supplement, not substitute, the intake of whole fruits and vegetables. Whilst greens powders can play a crucial role in bridging nutritional gaps, particularly in diets lacking in fresh produce, they are best utilized as part of a broader, balanced diet. This approach acknowledges the importance of consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods and supplements to support optimal health (5).

Greens powders offer a practical solution to augment, rather than replace, the consumption of whole foods. When used in this way, greens powders can contribute effectively to a well-rounded healthy diet.

What Is AG1? 

Athletic Greens AG1 is marketed as a comprehensive dietary supplement designed to support overall health through a single daily scoop. It contains a blend of 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food-sourced ingredients aimed at optimizing nutrient intake and addressing potential dietary deficiencies. Each 12g serving provides essential nutrients, including a robust profile of vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex, as well as minerals like zinc and selenium. AG1 also includes probiotics and enzymes to enhance digestive health and absorption. Formulated to aid energy levels, immune function, and recovery, AG1 is tailored for individuals seeking to bolster their daily nutritional intake conveniently.

AG1 Marketing And Endosements

AG1 has leveraged high-profile endorsements to boost its visibility and credibility. Prominent figures such as Joe Rogan and Andrew Huberman are not just endorsers but are reportedly compensated with significant endorsement fees alongside commissions on sales generated through their platforms. Such endorsements are potent marketing tools, as they often convey a sense of trust and effectiveness to potential consumers.

The involvement of celebrities like Hugh Jackman, Cindy Crawford and Lewis Hamilton as investors further amplifies the product's reach and appeal. These figures are utilized not just for their financial backing but more strategically in marketing campaigns to attract a broad audience. Their association with AG1 suggests a level of product quality and desirability, intending to resonate with health-conscious consumers who admire these personalities.

This marketing strategy, while effective in garnering attention, also raises questions about the product's intrinsic value versus its perceived value driven by celebrity association. Potential users should consider whether AG1’s benefits are reflective of its marketing claims or primarily the result of celebrity endorsement-driven popularity. Such endorsements can significantly influence consumer expectations and decisions, underscoring the need for discernment in evaluating the actual nutritional and health benefits AG1 offers compared to other similar supplements on the market.

AG1 Transparency And Dosing Issues

Ingredients and How They Work

Athletic Greens AG1 contains a diverse mix of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and probiotics in each 12-gram scoop. The product claims to support various health aspects including immune function, energy levels, and digestive health. However, the utilization of a proprietary blend raises significant transparency and efficacy issues.

Ingredient Transparency and Proprietary Blends

AG1 employs a proprietary blend, which obscures the specific amounts of each constituent, preventing consumers from confirming whether these ingredients are present in clinically effective dosages (6). This lack of transparency is concerning, as it does not allow users to assess the potential effectiveness of the product based on its ingredient composition.

Issue of Underdosed Ingredients

Given the broad range of ingredients listed in AG1, many are highly likely to be underdosed compared to dosages recommended in clinical studies. For instance, clinical evidence suggests that adaptogens like ashwagandha and rhodiola require substantial amounts to achieve their known stress-reducing effects, amounts unlikely to be present in a complex blend (7,8).

With claims of 75 different ingredients in a modest 12g scoop, it's clear that most ingredients are only present in trace amounts and are therefore unlikely to have any meaningful nutritional benefit.

Marketing Claims vs. Nutritional Reality

The marketing of AG1 heavily emphasizes the extensive list of ingredients as a key selling point. This can be misleading, suggesting a more is better approach, where the sheer number of ingredients overshadows the need for effective dosages (9). For example, the inclusion of digestive enzymes and probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum is promoted, yet without specifying amounts, it's unclear if these are added at levels that would provide the digestive benefits claimed (10).

AG1 contains a variety of ingredients that could potentially offer health benefits, but the proprietary blend and likely underdosing raise significant concerns about its overall efficacy. For consumers considering this supplement, these issues highlight the need for greater transparency in the supplement industry. Prospective users should critically evaluate the claims made by AG1 against the backdrop of ingredient transparency and dosage adequacy to determine if it aligns with their nutritional needs.

AG1 Pros and Cons


  • Broad Ingredient Profile: AG1 includes a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, aiming to support overall health through a single daily scoop.
  • NSF Certified for Sport: This certification ensures that AG1 is free from banned substances, making it safe for athletes and those concerned about clean supplementation.
  • Some Positive Initial Impact: Some users reported improvements in energy levels and a general sense of well-being shortly after starting AG1.


  • Proprietary Blend: AG1 uses a proprietary blend, which means they intentionally hide the exact amounts of each ingredient. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to assess the potency and value of the product.
  • Very High Price: The cost of AG1 is very high compared to other greens powders.
  • Potential for Nutrient Redundancy: For individuals already consuming a balanced diet, AG1 might provide nutrients in excess of their daily requirements, raising further questions about AG1's cost-effectiveness.
  • Allergen Concerns: With a wide range of ingredients, including potential allergens like soy, AG1 might not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with specific dietary restrictions or sensitivities.
  • Taste: While some found the flavor to be pleasant compared to other greens powders, many testers haven't enjoyed it due to the inclusion of a significant and possibly excessive amount of Stevia.

AG1 Marketing Claims

AG1 Marketing Claims Detailed Analysis

  1. "75 ingredients designed for balance, focus, health, and energy": AG1's formula includes a complex array of 75 different ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics, and adaptogens. These components are generally associated with supporting overall well-being and enhancing physical and mental performance. However, without specific dosages provided due to the proprietary blend, it’s challenging to assess their potency and effectiveness in achieving the stated benefits of balance, focus, health, and energy.
  2. "More-in-one nutrition": AG1 claims to streamline nutritional supplementation by combining the effects of multiple products into one. This assertion suggests convenience and comprehensive support. However, the real impact of such a formulation heavily relies on the presence and proportion of clinically significant dosages, which remain undisclosed in AG1’s proprietary blend.
  3. "Mental performance": Ingredients known for their cognitive benefits include B vitamins, such as B12 and folic acid, which help reduce fatigue and support cognitive function (11,12), and adaptogens like Rhodiola that are reputed to enhance mental clarity and focus under stress (13). However, the effectiveness of these ingredients depends on their amounts, which are not transparent in AG1.
  4. "Enduring energy": The claim that AG1 aids in energy sustainability may be supported by the inclusion of ingredients like B vitamins, which are crucial for energy metabolism. The product provides a substantial percentage of the daily value for these nutrients, suggesting a potential benefit in this area (14).
  5. "Heart health": Key nutrients involved in heart health include magnesium and vitamin E (15). AG1 includes these ingredients, yet without clear dosages, it's uncertain if they are present in amounts that can significantly impact heart health.
  6. "Immune defence": With a solid dose of vitamin C and zinc, AG1 seems capable of supporting immune function, given these nutrients are well-documented for their roles in bolstering immunity (16).
  7. "Gut-Friendly Bacteria and Fibre": The inclusion of probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus and dietary fibers supports digestive health, but the effectiveness is dosage-dependent. The lack of specific probiotic CFUs and fiber grams again raises questions about potential benefits (17).
  8. "NSF Certified for Sport®": This certification indicates that AG1 meets strict standards for quality and does not contain banned substances, lending credibility to its safety profile.
  9. "Optimised for flavour without artificial sweeteners": Using stevia, a natural sweetener, suggests an attempt to make the supplement palatable without synthetic additives. This choice reflects current trends towards cleaner labeling but does not necessarily impact the nutritional efficacy. Some people do however find Stevia unpalatable and whilst not artificial, Stevia cannot claim to be natural due to the artificial extraction process used in its production.
  10. "Trusted by leading scientists and experts": Without independent verification of the the role of remuneration in securing endorsements for AG1, this claim should be treated with a great deal of caution. It's likely the the endorsements made are in return for direct fees or to earn commissions on sales generated.

Single-Arm Study Claims:

AG1 also highlights results from a single-arm study where 97% of participants reportedly felt more sustained energy, and 97% noticed fewer cravings. While these results are superficially encouraging, the study's design—a single-arm without a placebo control—limits the ability to conclusively attribute these effects to AG1 alone (18). The group used was also extremely small with just 35 participants, meaning that it's unlikely to be statistically robust and could have been re-run until the desired result was generated.

User Reviews

User Feedback on AG1

Feedback from users of AG1 often emphasizes the supplement's broad nutritional spectrum, which conveniently packages a variety of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and adaptogens into one daily scoop. Users frequently report experiencing enhanced energy, improved digestive health, and an overall boost in well-being after adding AG1 to their daily regimen. Regarding taste—a highly subjective measure—AG1 is typically described as favorable or at least more appealing compared to other greens powders, attributed to its use of natural flavorings.

Despite these positives, some users raise issues concerning AG1’s formulation, particularly its reliance on proprietary blends (or variations on this - specifically concerns around not really knowing what they're putting in their bodies, how beneficial it is, or how well it can be expected to work). The use of a proprietary blend intentionally practice conceals the precise quantity of each ingredients in order to make it difficult to gauge the exact nutritional impact of AG1 or to make informed comparisons with competing products.

The high cost of AG1 is frequently cited as a concern, with some users questioning whether the benefits provided justify the expense. This aspect is particularly challenging for those trying to manage their health supplements within a strict budget as AG1 is priced very high when compared to other greens products.

Our Experience With AG1

AG1 is marketed to support a range of health aspects from mental acuity to immune defense, and we've taken a close look at how well these claims held up under daily use.

Nutritional Profile and Health Benefits

Balanced Nutrition: AG1’s ambitious inclusion of 75 different nutrients promises a well-rounded dietary supplement. Our team noted some subtle general health improvements, which could be attributed to the broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. The supplement’s promise of balance and health seems partially met, but without exact dosages, it's challenging to credit these changes directly to AG1's formula.

Energy and Focus: One of the key claims of AG1 is its ability to enhance energy and focus. Some of our team members reported feeling moderately more energetic, particularly in the mornings. This could be linked to the B vitamins and iron known for their roles in energy metabolism (19,20) but is likely to be down to the placebo effect brought on by a new routine. The effects on focus were less pronounced, which could be due to underdosed nootropic ingredients like Rhodiola, which are effective only at higher concentrations (21).

Digestive Health: With probiotics and fiber included in the blend, AG1 is positioned to support digestive health. The general feedback was neutral in this area, with no noticeable improvements in digestive regularity or bloating. 

Taste Experience

Flavor: AG1 uses natural flavorings and stevia, aiming for a palatable taste without artificial sweeteners. The reception to AG1's taste was mixed among our group. While some appreciated the natural sweetness brought by stevia, others found it too overpowering, describing the taste as overly saccharine. This feedback suggests that the intensity of the stevia might be intended to mask the less appealing flavors of some natural ingredients and is too dominant in the flavor profile overall.

Transparency Issues

Ingredient Dosages: A significant concern with AG1 is the opacity of its proprietary blend. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to fully assess the potential efficacy of the product. Our experiences, though moderately positive in certain aspects like energy and digestive health, were undercut by the uncertainty about whether we were receiving clinically effective dosages of key ingredients.

Value For Money

Our collective experience with AG1 aligns partially with the claims made by the product. While there were modest energy improvements, digestive health and the effects on mental performance and focus were less evident than expected. The taste, affected negatively by the use of stevia, and the lack of dosage transparency are notable drawbacks. Given the modest benefits, issues with transparency and high price point, we ended our experience with the view that the product doesn't offer benefits that merit the high price point - and most notably, other greens powders we've tested provide more tangible results more cost effectively.

AG1 Ingredients (Athletic Greens Ingredient Profile)

AG1 Ingredients (click to reveal)

Spirulina, Lecithin (soya) (65% phospholipids), Alkaline pea protein isolate, Apple powder, Inulin, Citrus bioflavonoids extract, Acascorbic acid, Wheat grass powder (leaf), Chlorella powder, Alfalfa powder (leaf), Barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf powder, Papaya (Carica papaya) fruit powder, Carrot root citrate, Broccoli powder, Pectin potassium phosphate, Calcium powder, Magnesium citrate, Antioxidant: Citric acid; Beet root powder, Calcium carbonate, Alpha lipoic acid, Sweetener: Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) leaf powder; α-lipoic acid, Thiamin acid succinate (soya), Acerola fruit extract, Cocoa bean powder, Ginger rhizome powder, Licorice root powder, Spinach leaf powder, Bromelain, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract, Rose hip (Rosa canina) fruit powder, Zinc citrate, Calcium phosphate, Artichoke leaf extract, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; Pineapple fruit powder, Shiitake mushroom powder, Reishi mushroom powder, Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) bark powder, Coenzyme Q10, Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) root powder extract, Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) root dry extract, Rosemary leaf extract, Niacin nicotinic acid, Dandelion whole plant concentrate, Kelp whole plant powder, Lycium berry fruit extract, Beta Glucans, Green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract (leaf), Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) root extract, Burdock root powder, Policosanol, Schisandrae, Chinese Magnoliae anemo acid cholate derivative, Heteromorpha, Cauliflower, Panthenic, Hawthorn berry extract, Thiamine hydrochloride, Beta carotene, Bilberry fruit extract, Nicotinamide, Riboflavin, Copper gluconate, Milk thistle seed extract, Grape seed extract, Folate (5-MTHF), Biotin, Chromium picolinate, Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7), Methylcobalamin, Natural flavorings.

Scientific Evidence for AG1 Ingredients and Health Benefits

Athletic Greens AG1 claims to deliver a vast array of health benefits through a formulation that includes a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts. Each serving is said to enhance mental performance, energy, immune defense, and cardiovascular health. This section critically examines the scientific backing for these claims based on the ingredients used and the dosages that are typically required for efficacy.

Vitamin and Mineral Efficacy

Vitamins A, C, E, and B-Complex: AG1 includes significant percentages of daily values for these vitamins. Vitamin C, known for its immune support, requires dosages around 200 mg per day to impact immune function, a level that AG1 meets and exceeds (22). Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant, is also adequately dosed to contribute to cellular protection from oxidative stress (23). However, for B vitamins, which support energy and cognitive functions, the efficacy heavily depends on individual deficiencies and daily requirements, which might not be fully addressed by AG1’s provided doses (24).

Minerals like Zinc and Selenium: These are critical for various enzymatic and immune functions. AG1 claims to include 150% and 36% of daily values, respectively. Zinc supports immune health and is effective in doses around 10-20 mg, which AG1 appears to cover (25). Selenium’s antioxidant properties are typically observed with 55-200 mcg daily, aligning with AG1’s formulation (26).

Botanical Extracts and Probiotics

Adaptogens such as Ashwagandha and Rhodiola: These are used for their stress-reducing properties. Clinical studies suggest effective dosages of Ashwagandha range from 300-500 mg daily (27), and Rhodiola should be consumed at 200-600 mg daily for cognitive and physical fatigue reduction (28). AG1’s proprietary blend likely falls short of these levels due to the sheer number of ingredients sharing the modest 12g serving size.

Probiotics: AG1 includes strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, known for digestive health benefits. Effective probiotic supplementation generally requires billions of CFUs; AG1’s content of 3.6 billion CFUs per strain might just meet this threshold, though efficacy can vary based on storage conditions and formulation stability (29).

Issues with Proprietary Blends and Underdosing

A major issue with AG1 is its use of proprietary blends, which obscures the exact amount of most ingredients, making it difficult to validate many of the health claims. This practice not only prevents consumers from understanding what they are ingesting but also typically signifies that many ingredients are underdosed. Given the extensive list of 75 ingredients, it is nearly impossible to include therapeutic doses of each within a 12g serving (30).

The presence of many ingredients in trace amounts is more a marketing feature than a health benefit, as synergistic effects of such low-dosed ingredients are minimal and not supported by rigorous scientific evidence (31).

AG1 contains ingredients that have been individually proven to support health in various ways, the lack of transparency regarding exact dosages complicates the assessment of its overall efficacy. For consumers seeking clear health benefits, the potential underdosing and the use of a proprietary blend are significant issues. It is crucial for a product like AG1, which promises extensive benefits, to provide more detailed information to support its claims convincingly.

AG1 Supplement Facts
Athletic Green Ingredients

AG1 Side Effects

Athletic Greens AG1 is formulated with a diverse array of ingredients intended to support overall health. But even natural ingredients can cause side effects, particularly when not dosed appropriately. Here we explore potential side effects based on the ingredients listed in AG1, considering typical dosages used in clinical studies versus what's present in AG1.

Vitamins and Mineral Overload

  1. Fat-Soluble Vitamins (A, E, K2): AG1 includes vitamins like A and E, which are fat-soluble and can accumulate in the body, leading to toxicity if consumed in excess. Symptoms might include headache, dizziness, or blurred vision from Vitamin A overload (32), and fatigue or muscle weakness from high doses of Vitamin E (33). The presence of Vitamin K2 also requires careful consideration as it can interact with blood-thinning medications (34).
  2. Water-Soluble Vitamins (C, B-Vitamins): While generally safe, excessive intake of water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C and certain B vitamins can cause gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea or nausea, particularly at high doses (e.g., Vitamin C doses over 2000 mg) (35).


  1. Trace Minerals (Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium): Overconsumption of minerals like zinc can lead to copper deficiency, gastrointestinal symptoms, and immune dysfunction (36). Selenium and chromium, when taken in high doses, may cause toxic effects including liver and kidney problems (37,38).

Botanical Extracts and Adaptogens

  1. Adaptogens (Ashwagandha, Rhodiola): Although beneficial for stress and fatigue, adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola can cause mild to moderate side effects such as headache, dizziness, or digestive upset in sensitive individuals or when taken in high doses (39).
  2. Herbal Extracts (Licorice, Ginseng): Licorice root extract can cause hypertension, edema, and hormonal imbalances when consumed excessively. Similarly, ginseng might lead to insomnia, headaches, and possible allergic reactions (40).

Digestive Health Ingredients

  1. Probiotics and Fibers: While generally considered safe, some individuals might experience bloating, gas, or discomfort, especially when first introducing probiotics or significantly increasing fiber intake (41).

Issues with Proprietary Blends and Dosage Transparency

A significant concern with AG1 is the use of proprietary blends, which obscure the exact amounts of each ingredient. This lack of transparency prevents users from knowing whether they are consuming potentially harmful levels of any vitamins, minerals, or extracts. It also complicates the assessment of side effects, as the interaction between numerous ingredients at unknown doses can increase the risk of adverse reactions.

Given the vast number of ingredients and the potential for underdosing or overdosing in a proprietary blend, users should be cautious and monitor for any unexpected symptoms that may arise from daily consumption of AG1. It’s also advisable for individuals with specific health conditions or those on medication to consult healthcare professionals before using AG1.

Overall Results


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Overall Rating

AG1 reviews

Overall Verdict

  • Transparency Issues: AG1 uses proprietary blends that obscure the exact amounts of each ingredient, preventing users from verifying whether the product contains effective dosages.
  • Ingredient List Overload: The extensive list of 75 ingredients in AG1 suggests more of a marketing focus than functional benefits, with many ingredients potentially present at trace levels - and certainly in sub-therapeutic amounts.

  • Questionable Dosages: Without transparency, it's difficult to determine if AG1’s ingredients are provided at clinically effective levels. It's highly likely many listed ingredients are underdosed despite the impressive-sounding list.

  • Taste Issues: Many users report that AG1's taste is overly sweetened by stevia, which can be off-putting, likely an attempt to mask the flavors of its numerous ingredients.

  • Cost vs. Benefit: The very high cost of AG1 coupled with the lack of dosage transparency leads to questions about the supplement's value for money relative to its actual health benefits.

  • Recommended Alternative: The top rated greens powder in our tests, Supergreen Tonik, is in our view a better alternative, due to its transparent labeling, comprehensive formulation and clinically supported ingredient dosages. We experienced improvements to digestion, cognitive performance and sleep.

Supergreen Tonik

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Overall Rating

Athletic Greens Review


After thoroughly testing and analyzing Athletic Greens AG1, several key points have emerged that are crucial for potential users to consider. AG1's formulation includes an impressive list of 75 ingredients and the brand claims to deliver benefits ranging from mental clarity to immune support. However the use of an opaque proprietary blend hinders a full assessment of its effectiveness. The brand's decision to use a proprietary blend to intentionally obscure the precise dosages of each ingredient is in our assessment a major issue and undercuts both trust in the brand and the effectiveness of the product itself. This lack of transparency is a substantial problem. The limited results and high price point also raise major issues over the value for money the product offers.

AG1 attempts to enhance its palatability by avoiding artificial sweeteners and using stevia instead, many users found the taste overly sweet and not as enjoyable, which further detracted from the overall experience.

By way of contrast, our test period and analysis of Supergreen Tonik (currently our top rated greens product) was quite different. It offers full transparency in the dosages of its ingredients, which align closely with clinical studies into their health benefits. This level of openness made it easy for us to understand precisely what we were consuming and why.

Our experience with Supergreen Tonik led to noticeable improvements in several areas, including digestion, cognitive performance, sleep quality and an overall sense of well-being that was far less pronounced with AG1. The formulation of Supergreen Tonik, rich in high-dose superfoods and backed by a nootropic and immune blend, delivers a comprehensive approach to health supplementation. We particularly liked that each ingredient is included at a dosage that is not just nominal but is intended to elicit a real, beneficial impact on health.


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